Back to reality, on this last reevaluation, it occurred to me that maybe I'm only attracted to a certain type and maybe stepping outside the box is what I need to do to shake things up? Billy and I began to chat and he definitely had an air of mystery about him. I took a chance to see where it got me....a first date at the fair! Background on Billy, he is a hipster plain and simple. He plays the drums in a ska band (no idea if its old skool or new skool ska...there is actually a difference!), works construction, mid 30's, doesn't drink, owns his home and has a few different vehicles including a vintage motorcycle that he rebuilt on his own. Think James Dean and you've got him!
Its been a few years since I'd been to the fair due to a few homicides and dead bodies popping up on the fairgrounds. I was excited to not only go once again when it was safe but also with Billy. After postponing our date from 6pm to 7pm because he had to work late, we agreed to meet at a local shopping area so we'd only have to pay for one car parking fee. He drove and so far so good, even opened his truck door for me. Chivalry is not dead! We near the entrance of the parking lot and he thinks $10 is too much so we keep looking for a better spot. We ended up parking (for free) about a mile away under the freeway by a bar he plays at.
Billy: Is this too far?
Me: Uh, yeah a little.
He parks anyway. Its dark, not well lit and we passed a few cagey characters on our walk to the front door of the fair. What was I saying about chivalry? He pays for my ticket only after I start to get out my wallet. Billy: Oh I got this.
Me: You sure?
Billy: Yeah, I asked you to the fair. Oh I can't wait for fry bread!
Me: Thanks!
We hit the stables first where all the cows, lamas (I got to pet one, very cool!) and the petting zoo area. The next barn was all about the pigs and prize winning roosters along with, and yes its a weird combination but less than 20 feet away from the roosters, live boxing! We sat and watched for less than a minute before he says:
Billy: Oh I'm so hungry for some fry bread!
Me: Do you want to go? We can go now, I just wanted to see a bit of the match. Lets go.
Billy: Naw, lets stay.
Me: really its ok.
At the end of the round, we left for fry bread. Once we found the stand we ordered our toppings.
Me: Let me get dinner since you paid for our tickets?
Billy: Naw, I got this.
He hands the lady the money, closes his wallet and says to me:
Billy: Well, I'm tapped out. (Um, ok, awkward?!)
After finishing dinner we head over to walk around the fair, see the stands, the people waiting in line for the rides. That night Snoop Dogg was performaning so you can imagine the random mix that showed up that evening. We stumble upon the side show attractions! "Step right up! See the worlds fattest pig! See the worlds largest alligator and smallest horse, no its not a pony!" Sensing that this might be kinda fun, I sprung for our tickets to see these amazing attractions. I'd say it was definitely worth it! We keep moving because Billy wants to see the trains, an attraction that I'm not sure if its permanent or just for the fair but it consists of roughly 5 grown men, locked in a room with windows on 2 sides, operating 5-6 model trains in their model town complete with model scenery and tiny model people. I have to admit, its not something I was looking forward to checking out but I'm glad I did, the detail is amazing! We did however, stay a bit longer than the novelty of it warranted. As we leave, I see a ladies room and excuse myself.
Me: I'll be right back.
Billy: Oh yeah, I need to go to. Will you hold my drink for me?
Me: Uh, ok. (he starts to hand over his drink)
Billy: Oh wait, you can go first, then you can hold my drink.
I was in and out in a flash and when I got back he'd finished his drink and apparently already gone to the bathroom. Less than 5 minutes I was gone!
Billy: Oh man! I want a churro, we should go get one.
Me: Lets go find you one. (I was still really full from dinner and not a fan of eating after 7pm).
We weren't successful with finding churros so he settled on an ice cream sundae. He ate while we searched for the paintings, which he said would be displayed in one of the stadium centers. We never did find it but definitely got a workout looking for it all over the fair. I'd never heard of paintings at the fair, from how he had described it, what you'd find at the Phoenix Art Museum. We did find alot of hemp, patchouli and organically grown home goods and clothing. By this time its roughly 10pm and we head towards the exit. But wait! You are wondering, didn't you ride any rides while you were at the fair? Isn't that the point? Go on the rides, eat deep fat fried oreos and try to win a stuffed bear for your lady? The closest thing we got to the rides is this picture of the ferris wheel:

On our walk back to the car, past the new group of cagey people I thought to myself, he's a really nice guy and probably nervous but on the other hand, that old saying "opposites attract" just isn't something that works well for this girl. He'd be a great friend but on the chemistry level of hot and heavy romance, I think we both dance to the beat of a different drum. Lesson to all you crazy boys and girls out there, if you try to date your opposite, you never know what you're in for. You can either have a great time or rather let the other person lead you around all night, looking for trains and churros. And never, ever say to someone regardless of the situation (date, work function, vacation) "Well, I'm tapped out". Last I checked, its just not classy.