Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ding-Dong-Ditch Demetri

Pranksters, jesters, creators of shenanigans, these are a breed of people after my own heart because their intent is normally to play and fool someone and then in a jovial way, let the unsuspecting victim in on the on prank. These jolly hearts are often just looking to have some innocent fun, make us giggle and liven up the joint right? Timing is everything though isn't it? Ask any comedian, you can tell a joke one way and get crickets, tell it again with timing, and the audience is roaring with laughter! So when the prankster goes too far, here's how it looked one Sunday night.

Looking forward to a first date with *Demetri, a self proclaimed ginger, we had made plans on a whim after chatting for a few weeks. I discovered we had a lot in common like running, trying to live healthy, movies, music, sports, etc. Plans were set in the morning to meet at a local eatery at 7:00pm for dinner and relaxed conversation. He had eluded drinks at his place to begin with but I stuck firm to my personal rule that first dates ideally should be in a public place for both of our sakes. That suggestion probably should have been my first clue but nope, I'm too slow joe! He didn't give me the vibe that he had another agenda other than looking for someone to date and get to know better, or even just know as friends so it was easily dismissed as a friendly gesture.

He asked for a picture of me so I sent one of me and a friend, from the neck up, we are both at the pool, no make-up, hair is wet but we were smiling and I figured if he likes me at my worst, real life will be even better! The entire afternoon we went back and forth via text, asking each other why we were both single, what we were both looking for specifically, what we did for a living, I guess looking back, none of that came up in our initial chats because we clicked so well it was just the fluff to fill space, we dove right into getting to know one another. I was very clear that I was looking for someone to have a meaningful relationship, to start a family with if I was lucky enough to become a mom and grow together as a couple. Not looking for the "whole 9 yards" but maybe my version of it minus the white picket fence (would clash with my front yard and house color too much lol).

Demetri: Well we same age so get started sooner then later kids are full of it
Me: Lol you must be talking to my family, they tell me the same thing!
Me: Wait! Do you know them? Is this a trap, a set up?
Demetri: I've been sent to spray you and give the gift of life:

Me: Ha, I knew it!

This guy's got jokes! I laughed it off and looked forward to seeing Demetri later that evening. At 6:00pm he tells me he is "poorish" if that mattered, not a "balla" like me. I asked him to explain, because for me, I don't honestly care how much money a person makes as long as their job makes them happy. He had assumed based off of my job title that I was making money hand over fist and that he wasn't in the same financial bracket as myself, which just goes to show, you can't judge a book by its cover, or job title in this case. I assured him that it didn't matter to me what his paycheck was, we were going to have a good time.

7:00pm rolls around and I am at the eatery, he'd requested that we not sit on the patio because of the heat so I got a shady spot inside, and let him know where the table was since I arrived first.  The doors to the place were wide open on all sides so we might as well have been sitting on the patio anyways. 15 mins roll by, he texts me that he can't find me and confirms I'm at the Tempe location. I resend him the text location of where the table is and include my outfit, can't miss me in my yellow skirt, I stood out like a sore thumb lol

Demetri: U w a group or solo?
Me: Yeah, I invited 20 of my closest friends to join us ;) jk, I'm solo
Demetri: lol

After finding me finally, (fyi, he's not a ginger) we each have a beer because although we were meeting for dinner, he already ate, thats why he was running late. Awkward, but moving forward right? We chat about sports, about family, where I discover he has a son. Tells me how horrible his ex is and how she sucks all the money out of him and basically describing this woman who gave life to his child as an ungrateful gold digger. Lightbulb! Apparently there are a lot of horrible women out there that are just trying to mess up every man's life with child support and keeping the father of their child in the picture. (Something tells me that this statement isn't entirely true but its a theme I run across frequently).

Since I'm not her and I just learned of this new aspect of Demetri's life, I know that its not my place to comment either way on that subject of the ex and child support so I just listen and let him talk as he needed. First opening, I change the subject and steer it back towards his work as that seemed to be a lighter topic and he enjoyed discussing it. Enough glasses of water between the two of us and he claims "Well I need to run to the bathroom, too much water" and he chuckles as he walks towards the bathroom. I busy myself with the baseball game on television and realize after awhile, he's not back yet. 15 mins gone might mean he's bearing down or....hmm...ok, another 5 mins I flag down a male waiter to check on him, maybe he's sick? I recall my appendectomy situation (another story for another time) so I felt empathy for him if he was in need of help. The waiter comes back, look on his face tells me somethings wrong "Uh, miss, yeah I hate to tell you this but theres no one in the bathroom". Awesome. So not only did he ditch me, he left me with the check and no word of good bye or even pull a chapter from our pal Herbert from "I'll have a Mr. Wonderful..."

Me: Looks like I just got ditched huh? You wanted to know why I'm single? This is why...I get ditched or stood up. You seemed so much like a cool guy, a stand up guy. Bummed out that I was mistaken.
(Next Morning)
Demetri: Sorry, would've been just sex and felt u didn't want that. Wasn't right
(I do not respond)
Demetri: Morning
Me: (taking a deep breath, might as well rip this off like a bandaide) Sooooooo...ditching me and letting me sit there and be worried that something was wrong was a better choice? lol OK, at least telling me you weren't interested and saying goodbye so I wouldn't worry would have been better than how you made me feel. I truly hope for as much care and compassion you have for your son, and I believe that you do, please on behalf of the rest of us sad fools, don't pass that trick onto him? Imagine how many broken hearts he might cause if he knows its OK for dad to do it, why can't he? I guess you just reminded me how sad my hope is to find someone who will be honest with me. Good luck wherever life takes you.
Demetri: So no orgasm and fun?
Demetri: OK then
Me: Correct,  you did not give me any of that last night but I'm sure someone more worthy for you will be that lucky. Please, please, do me a favor and stop contacting me?
Demetri: OK sorry

True, I was embarrassed that I got ditched, I'm not above admitting that he just wasn't interested but is it asking too much to find out why, if the build up before the date is going so well? Oh the ever elusive "why"! I don't put up fake or out of date photos of myself or communicate any differently in written word than I do in real life. Theres no smoke and mirrors, no false pretences, I'm upfront and honest, don't hide anything because I want someone like me for me, not a version of me that I've constructed out of misdirection. I can tell you there was misdirection from his end, finding out that he had a son he was hiding and an Ex.  He obviously has been hurt by  her so badly that my gut tells me he's not looking for "the whole 9 yards" or anything close to it. My question to the cosmos, or maybe someone reading is, why start to get involved with someone if you know that what they are looking for is NOT what you're looking for?

Lesson to be had from this whole experience? Always bring your wallet and never assume that even if you're a girl, the guy will pay for you. That even wearing a bright color to easily be identified in a large crowd, providing directions and carrying on a good conversation, it still won't always end in a kiss good night. To always remember, even if someone does you wrong, leave that baggage at the door and don't carry it with you on the next date, its not fair to the person that does want to spend time with you. And last but not least, sometimes you will have to ask someone to check the bathroom for you...even to check on a prankster, a jester or a creator of shenanigans that told the joke wrong, and all you're left with is crickets.

Stay well my friends, until next time!

*Name changed to protect the party in question.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Who's the Man? Stan--Wait Who's Stan?

****Originally posted August 2014, updated in purple September 2014 at bottom of post****

Sometimes, a conversation is all you need to really get a good idea on just what you're in for. You can get a vibe of joy, a red flag of "yikes", happiness, sadness, excitement and can really bring some sweetness to the receiver's side. In the dating world, I recently had a conversation with *Stan, a guy that I met online. Instead of writing out a novel, I think the conversation alone paints a good picture. While reading, do yourself a favor and keep notes on which "vibe" you are getting. And now, onto our feature presentation: note that these are verbatim words so please excuse grammar and spelling, its as it appeared in my messages.

Stan: Hi
                                Me: Hello? Who's this?
Wanna exchange pics
                                Hey Stan, how are you
                                and Beth doing out in CA?
Can I have a picture
                                Stan you're funny. So how's
                                the beach? Are you loving 
                                the job and new area?
I'm not in California
Your thinking of another stan
                               Oh Sorry
                               Wait is this Stan Olson?
                               Ah kid, how are you? The
I'm in Phoenix
                              You visiting?
Let's just exchange pics
We never met before
                      bad, sorry I
                               can't place you
                               How'd you get my number?
Maybe on a dating site
                               Lol maybe?
                               That must've been a few months
                               ago at least then
Can I have a picture
                               Sorry but since I don't remember
                               you obviously and you can't
                               remember where you got my 
                               number, gotta admit that sounds
                               a little hinky. I'm going to have to
                               hold off on sending any photos.

                                Sorry, you don't look familiar :(
U gave me your number off
the internet dating site
                               Oh ok well thanks for the check-in
                               sorry I've been dating a lot this
                               summer so apologies that I don't
                               remember chatting with you.
I would remember u if I 
saw a picture
                               Wait, so you don't remember me either?
                               Lol ok this is super awkward no lol
I know your name is Sarah
Don't remember what u 
look like
Your cute
Wish I got to meet u
                   (some time passes)
What u doing
What area do u live in
                                 **Tempe, why?
Just wondering
My work is in Tempe
                        (next day)
                     (3 days later) 
                     (2 days later)
Hey wanna hangout
                                  Stan, sorry but I am not looking
                                  to "hang out". Just being honest.
                                  I do wish you the best!
Show me your tits
                                  No, please remove me from your
                      (later that night)
Show me your boobs first

Classy. Sooooooo classy.

I did some research after the fact and looked at my old phone that had old text messages in it still, finding the first set of conversation that he and I had starting in April. Immediately my memory was triggered as to why I didn't get a good feeling of Stan the first time. He demanded I send him photos over and over again (counting, in the short time we talked, 27 times) and yes, I'm stunning but I look the same every day, he was asking for photos every day, multiple times a day, he got one photo of me. I quickly developed an uneasy feeling and stopped responding to him. Like clockwork, every 2-3 days he would send a message to me over a 3 week period of "hi", "hey", "Hi", "what are you doing", "send me a pic", "Hey" with zero responses from me. Yes, I did the fade away and I hate that I had to resort to it but in this instance, I think I found a justifiable reason to do it. 

Now you might be thinking, why didn't I just tell him I wasn't interested back in April? If he wasn't listening to me when I told him I wasn't going to send him multiple photos of myself, he wouldn't listen to me if I told him I wasn't interested. Proof in the pudding, 2nd time around shows you his response when I finally did respond and obviously, he didn't listen. And yes, thats not a photo of me, I was testing him to see if he really didn't remember what I looked like, again, proven correct sadly.

Conversations should be 50/50 or somewhat within reason, where there's a strong listening skill set, exploring the topic and getting to know one another's perspective.  Paying attention, trying to remember a few key details such as what a person looks like, or how you know someone before contacting them. These are great tools for being successful in having conversations! It applies to not only the dating world but for the real world work force, making new friends, keeping in touch with family, going through the TSA line at the airport, etc.  Not paying attention at TSA will even risk a full body cavity search, missing your flight and potentially getting on the no-fly list (this is not awesome).  

So take some of these great tools, remember the vibe you might be giving out to others and if they truly aren't involved in the conversation, its ok to not respond until it really becomes necessary. Know yourself, know your limits and also know when to block someone from your phone or if you can't do that, change their id from "Stan" to "Do Not Answer". Good lucky campers!

*To protect Stan's identity, name changed
**To protect the location of where I actually live, I used a different city so he would hit a brick wall if he went looking. 
***Photo found online.

****Updated September 2014****

The above story started out in April 2014 and the last message from Stan was sent on August 4th, 2014. On September 24th, he sent me a message via the dating website I'm on (of which I was confident I'd blocked him but apparently it didn't save).

His message: Hey Sarah I'm Stan nice to meet you. Your very pretty

I sat at my computer, dumbfounded that Stan has once again found me, he's like a bad penny! Now, messaging me as if he was introducing himself for the very first time, that not once but twice in 6 months, the conversations we'd had, numbers exchanged, that none of that had ever happened. What is a little concerning, the photos I've got are exactly the same now as they were back in April with the exception of one new picture I put up in July. Believe me, I called him on it.
                                         Do you remember me?
Did we talk before ?
Did we meet?
                                         Yes, we talked for a very long time
                                         over the summer. Never met in person
                                         because you kept asking me to show
                                         you my boobs and you got mad when
                                         I declined to do so because I didn't feel
                                         comfortable doing that.
I'm sorry can u forgive me
Can we try to hangout again

At some point, theres a point where even the best of patience levels is pushed beyond what is acceptable. The answer is no, there will be no third times the charm and I believe even the guys would agree with me out there, this is a bad, made-for-tv movie where the ending will somehow involve either a trip to the funny farm or at least a restraining order.  Can I forgive him? Absolutely, he's not worth harboring any negative feelings towards and to be honest, how do I know he isn't suffering from short term memory loss? Mental illness and memory loss is no laughing matter and I would not condemn a man who suffered from it.

If you feel so inclined, I encourage you to consider making a donation the Alzheimer's Association in honor of your favorite single guy or gal in the spirit of their plight as they may run across their own version of Stan and will have to, on more than one occasion, need to handle a few bad pennies. Stay happy my campers!

Optimistically Yours,